# Dashboard

The Dashboard component is responsible in deciding what responsive breakpoint is to be used. From this the layouts can then change to best suit the screen size.

# Props

Name Type Required Default Description
id String | Number yes UUID for the dashboard

# Events

Name Description
currentBreakpointUpdated returns the active layout breakpoint

# Dash Layout

Each Dash Layout contains an name, numberOfCols and optionally a breakpointWidth. Note that only one layout should have the breakpointWidth undefined. This layout is the biggest. The smallest should have a breakpointWidth of 0.

# Props

Name Type Required Default Description
breakpoint string yes typically describing the breakpoint Size (i.e. xl, lg etc)
numberOfCols number no 12 Number of columns allowed
margin object no { x:10, y:10 } Distance in pixels between DashItems
breakpointWidth number no Width used to determine which layout is most appropriate for the screen size
useCssTransforms boolean no false Use translate3d instead of direct top left css properties
compact boolean no true Automatically move items up if there is space available
colWidth boolean | number no false When set to a number the column width is statically set to this value
maxColWidth boolean | number no false When set to a number the colWidth will never be greater than this number
minColWidth boolean | number no false When set to a number the colWidth will never be less than this number
rowHeight boolean | number no false When set to a number the row height will be set to this number (as opposed to being set to the colWidth to keep the items square)
maxRowHeight boolean | number no false When set to a number the rowHeight will never be greater than this number
minRowHeight boolean | number no false When set to a number the rowHeight will never be less than this number

# Slots

Names Description
Placeholder Slot to define a custom placholder component (default is Red square)

# Dash Item

The dash item is responsible for displaying the items content (via slot) and also for dragging and resizing around the layout. All props can be synced back to the item being passed via the .sync modifier (see examples)

There are also slots around the item for custom drag icons (again see examples)

# Props

Name Type Required Default Description
id [Number, String] true UUID for the item
x Number false 0
y Number false 0
width Number false 1 Width (in col units)
maxWidth [Number, Boolean] false false Max Width (in col units). When not a number it is ignored
minWidth [Number, Boolean] false 1 Min Width (in col units). When not a number it is ignored
height Number false 1 Height (in row units)
maxHeight [Number, Boolean] false false Max Height (in row units). When not a number it is ignored
minHeight [Number, Boolean] false 1 Min Height (in row units). When not a number it is ignored
draggable Boolean false true If the item can be dragged
resizable Boolean false true If the item can be resized
resizeEdges String false "bottom right" The edges it can be resized (experimental for all options apart from bottom right)
resizeHandleSize Number false 8 The area where resize can be selected on the item
draggableZIndex Number false 1 The zIndex applied to the draggable area to make sure it is above the items in the slot
resizableZIndex Number false 1 The zIndex applied to each resizeable area to make sure it is above the items in the main slot
moveHold Number false 0 The amount of time in ms required to hold the item before it can be moved
resizeHold Number false 0 The amount of time in ms required to hold the item before it can be resized
dragAllowFrom String false null Custom Selector which the drag/move event can start from
dragIgnoreFrom String false null Custom Selector to prevent actions from starting if the pointer went down on an element matching the given selector or HTMLElement.
locked Boolean false false A Locked item will remain in position and will not move up when there is space above. It is also not possible to move or resize a locked item

# Events

Name Description
moveStart Fires initially when an item is being moved (dragged) by human interaction
moving Fires while an item is being moved (dragged)
moveEnd Fires when the move is complete
resizeStart Fires initially when an item size is changing (via human interaction)
resizing Fires while the item is being resized
resizeEnd Fires once resizing is complete
hoverStart Fires when mouse begins to hover over DashItem
hoverEnd Fires when mouse moves our of DashItem

# Resizing Slots

Last Updated: 8/20/2020, 12:57:29 AM